MSNBC "Hardball with Chris Matthews" - Transcript: On the Chattanooga Shooting


Date: July 16, 2015


KORNACKI: Welcome back to HARDBALL.

We`ve been following breaking news out of Tennessee where a gunman
opened fire and killed four marines on two military facilities today. That
gunman has been identified as a Kuwaiti born naturalized U.S. citizen named
Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez.

For more on how the community is coping, I`m joined by Chattanooga`s
mayor, Andy Berke.

Mr. Mayor, thanks for taking a few minutes.

We had the congressman from your area, Chuck Fleischmann, on earlier
and he was talking about how in his lifetime he never would have imagined
seeing a day like this in Chattanooga. I imagine you`re feeling something
similar right now.

MAYOR ANDY BERKE (D), CHATTANOOGA, TN (via telephone): Yes. No, our
hearts are broken for these marines and their families. Tennessee is a
volunteer state, and we have a history of affiliating with our military and
the idea that an individual went to two different locations where people
who proudly serve our country were located, intending to do them harm and
did harm to so many people is incomprehensible.

KORNACKI: And have you heard anything about the back ground of this
shooter? I -- there`s some reports that I guess he might have been living
in the community before this. Obviously, not originally from there. But
are you hearing anything or learning anything about, did people know him
around there? Did he have any kind of a reputation or anything?

BERKE: Well, our investigation is ongoing. We have the FBI, the ATF,
Chattanooga police department, the Hamilton County sheriff`s department,
everybody right now is involved, answering every question possible.

And over the next few days, I promise that every resource we have as a
community is going to be devoted to figuring out exactly what happened

KORNACKI: All right. Mayor Andy Burke from Chattanooga, Tennessee,
appreciate you taking a few minutes with us.

